Positive Parenting Quotes for Moms

Mother being a positive role model for her daughter.

Hey moms! Whether you're in the middle of a hectic day or grabbing a moment of peace, this blog is about giving you a little boost.

As a mom of four, I'm right there in the trenches with you.

Sometimes a few encouraging words can shift our perspective and inspire our actions.

Let’s look at some practical, inspiring parenting quotes that resonate with our everyday interactions with our kiddos.

What is Positive Parenting?

Positive parenting is all about building a steady and loving relationship with your kids that stands the test of time.

It's the kind of parenting where you're there for your child no matter what, showing care and guidance, teaching them right from wrong, and making sure they have what they need to grow.

This approach is not about getting walked all over or being permissive. Rather, it involves clear communication, consistency, and leadership.

It's about being their parent, teacher, and biggest fan all rolled into one, consistently every day.

Positive parenting mother with young son.

12 Positive Parenting Quotes for Moms

Here are 15 empowering quotes to inspire your parenting journey, each paired with a practical tip.

1) "Behind every young child who believes in themselves is a parent who believed first." – Matthew Jacobson

  • Tip: Constantly express your belief in your child's capabilities, reinforcing their self-confidence.

2) "Children need models rather than critics." – Joseph Joubert

  • Tip: Model the behavior you want to see; your actions teach more effectively than your critiques.

3) "Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you." – Robert Fulghum

  • Tip: Your everyday actions are under your child's observation; let them see you handle life’s challenges gracefully.

Mother positive parenting her daughter at sunset.

4) "The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice." – Peggy O’Mara

  • Tip: Speak kindly and with encouragement, as your words form their internal dialogue.

5) "When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it's our job to share our calm, not join their chaos." – L.R. Knost

  • Tip: Stay calm in stressful situations; showing your child how to manage emotions is a valuable lesson.

6) "Treat a child as though he already is the person he’s capable of becoming." – Haim Ginott

  • Tip: Address your child as if they are already the mature, responsible person they can grow to be.

Laughing young daughter with positive mother.

7) "Children learn more from what you are than what you teach." – W.E.B. Du Bois

  • Tip: Be the role model your children deserve; your behaviors teach them about life.

8)"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." – Frederick Douglass

  • Tip: Invest in your children's well-being from an early age; it’s the foundation for their future.

9) "Encourage and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them." – Lady Bird Johnson

  • Tip: Show your kids that you believe in their potential, boosting their confidence to reach it.

Mother stretching and modeling positive parenting.

10) “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” - Jane D. Hull

  • Tip: Be actively involved; your engagement is crucial to their success.

11) "Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children." – Charles R. Swindoll

  • Tip: Create positive daily interactions; these become the memories that shape their childhood.

12) "What it's like to be a parent: It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do but in exchange, it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love." – Nicholas Sparks

  • Tip: Embrace the challenges of parenting as opportunities to experience and teach deep, unconditional love.

Mother laughing while positive parenting young daughter.


As we wrap up, remember that positive parenting is a journey —for both you and your child.

Keep these insights close to your heart, apply them daily, and watch as they help you build a stronger, more positive relationship with your children.

Here's to parenting with patience, wisdom, and lots of love.

With love and solidarity,

Mom therapist

Are you looking for support in your motherhood journey? Let’s connect!

Reach out for a free consultation today!

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Chen, Y., Haines, J., Charlton, B., VanderWeele, T. Positive Parenting Improves Multiple Aspects of Health and Well-Being in Young Adulthood. Nat Hum Behav. 2019 Jul; 3(7): 684–691.

Nepal, T., Jeon, S., Diggs, S., Donnellan, M. Positive Parenting, Effortful Control, and Developmental Outcomes across Early Childhood. Dev Psychol. 2020 Mar; 56(3): 444–457.


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