25+ Postpartum Depression Quotes

Postpartum depression quotes for new moms.

If you are dealing with postpartum depression, you know how hard the early days are.

Please know that you are not alone and so many moms are struggling in the exact same way that you are.

I’ve put together some quotes to help encourage you in your journey!

It will get better and it’s not your fault.

Quotes for postpartum

25+ Postpartum Depression Quotes

New mom holding her baby

Quotes About Strength During Postpartum Depression

  1. “There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” – John Green

    Those whispers of doubt? They’re lying. You’re stronger than you feel right now.

  2. “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning

    The love you have for your baby is there, even on days when it’s hard to feel.

  3. “You are not a failure for struggling. You are human.” – Unknown

    Struggles don’t define you. How you keep going does.

  4. “You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time.” – Unknown

    It’s okay to feel proud of yourself and still know that you have a lot of room to grow. there’s room to grow. Give yourself more grace to grow at your own pace.

  5. Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” – Mary Anne Radmacher

    Some days, just surviving is a huge. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, trying again tomorrow is courage. Keep taking it one day at a time.

  6. “Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing.” – Ricki Lake

    You can love being a mom and still find it really, really difficult. Both things can be true at the same time. Give yourself space to feel all of your emotions without guilt.

  7. “You are stronger than you know, braver than you feel, and more capable than you think.” – Unknown

    You may not feel strong right now, but you’re doing amazing things every day. Changing diapers, feeding your baby, and just showing up for another day are acts of courage. You’re doing better than you realize.

  8. “Even when it feels impossible, you are doing the impossible every single day.” – Unknown

    Endless sleepless nights and endless feedings and endless diaper blowouts are so hard — but you are doing it. That’s strength. Keep going—this tough season won’t last forever, I promise.

Mother with multiple postpartum depression risk factors kissing her baby.

Encouraging Postpartum Depression Quotes

  1. “You are not the only one struggling. Even if it feels like it, you’re never alone.” – Unknown

    Postpartum depression can really start to isolate you - remember that this is common and other moms are struggling right beside you.

  2. “Your baby doesn’t need a perfect mom. They need you.” – Unknown

    Even if your mind tells you differently, you are the exact mother that your baby needs. God hand picked YOU for your baby.

  3. “The sun will rise, and you will try again.” – Unknown

    Every day is a fresh start. Don’t let the struggles you are going through today take up too much of your tomorrow.

  4. “Motherhood is a series of beginnings, and each day is a fresh start.” – Unknown

    Each morning gives you a new chance to do things differently. Take a hold of those new beginnings.

  5. “Don’t measure your success as a mom by how much you get done. Measure it by how much love you give.” – Unknown

    Productivity isn’t the goal—connection is. If you feel like you are failing and dropping the ball in every area of your life please know that you are not. Quite the opposite. Show up, love your baby and take care of the rest when you are actually sleeping through the night.

  6. “Every small step forward is progress, no matter how slow it feels.” – Unknown

    Growth isn’t always big so even small steps like folding a basket of laundry counts.

New mother postpartum quotes

Postpartum Depression Quotes to Feel Less Alone

  1. “You don’t have to do it all alone. Some days, asking for help is the best thing you can do.” – Unknown

    You deserve help so please ask for it. It’s hard but worth it.

  2. “Behind every great kid is a mom who’s sure she’s messing it up.” – Unknown

    That’s me, Hi! Trust me, we all have moments of exhaustion and doubt. But we really are doing amazing things.

  3. “Motherhood is not about having it all together. It’s about loving your child even when you don’t feel at your best.” – Unknown

    Your baby just needs you - your presence. You don’t have to have any of the other things figured out.

  4. “Some days, surviving is thriving.” – Unknown

    On the hardest days, just making it through. Celebrate when your head hits the pillow that you made it through another day.

  5. "Bad moments don't make bad mamas." -Unknown

    Mistakes and challenges are a part of the journey, but they don't make you a "bad" mom.

Mother looking at postpartum depression quotes while holding new baby.

Quotes About Self-Care and Prioritizing Yourself

  1. “Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your baby.” – Unknown

    I say this all of the time to my clients - please take care of yourself. Remember to eat - shower when you can. It really is so important.

  2. “You can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s okay to refill yours first.” – Unknown

    Totally cliche, yet so true. Seriously, you have to fill your up to be able to be the best version of yourself for your baby.

  3. “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, not what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed

    We hear so much about self-care nowadays but it really is about being able to show up for those that we love in a positive way. We don’t want to give them the left over “scraps.”

  4. “Resting isn’t lazy; it’s a form of strength.” – Unknown

    Yes to this! I think all moms need to hear this message, but especially mamas who are struggling with postpartum depression.

  5. “Your mental health matters. – Unknown

    Your mental health impacts so much. It impacts your baby’s development - their speech, motor skills, social skills, and how quickly they meet their milestones. It can impact so much into the future if you do not get help for postpartum depression.

  6. “Every time you say yes to something that drains you, you’re saying no to yourself.” – Unknown

    It’s okay to set boundaries and protect your emotional energy. You don’t have to say yes to everything —especially if it leaves you feeling drained afterwards. Prioritizing your needs is an act of strength, not selfishness.

  7. “Boundaries are not walls; they are bridges to healthier relationships.” – Unknown

    Setting boundaries isn’t about shutting people out—it’s about making the relationship healthier. It takes away the resentment piece which is huge. Boundaries protect your energy so that you can be a better mom, wife, friend, family member, etc.

Depressed mother holding her newborn baby in the hosptial.


Motherhood is hard, but you are tougher.

I hope these quotes resonated and can be a reminder that you are not alone.

You’ve got this, even when it feels impossible.

Please reach out for help if you haven’t yet - it can make all the difference.

With love and solidarity,

Therapist for postpartum depression.
Postpartum depression quotes

Are you struggling with postpartum depression?

Let’s connect!

I will help you find solutions and immediate relief.

Reach out for a free consultation today!

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Postpartum Support International

Milgrom J, Gemmill AW, Bilszta JL, Hayes B, Barnett B, Brooks J, et al. Antenatal risk factors for postnatal depression: A large prospective study. J Affect Disord. 2008;108:147–57.


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