Motherhood Blog

From Pregnancy to Parenthood and Beyond. Your Mental Health Matters!

Amy Braun, LCPC, PMH-C Amy Braun, LCPC, PMH-C

6 Tips for Christian Postpartum Depression

Welcoming a new life into the world is a remarkable experience, but for some Christian moms, it can be accompanied by a challenging condition, postpartum depression (PPD).

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Amy Braun, LCPC, PMH-C Amy Braun, LCPC, PMH-C

15 Postpartum Depression Myths

While it’s normal for every new mother to feel some stress and irritability in the weeks after giving birth, it is estimated that 9 to 16 percent of moms, through no fault of their own, will experience postpartum depression (PPD).

What makes some women more susceptible to PPD than others? It is believed that a combination of things including hormones, genetics, predisposition, support (or lack of), and stress all create a perfect storm to experience PPD.

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