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Coping with Postpartum Rage: 10 Practical Tips for New Moms

As a fellow mom, I understand the whirlwind of emotions that can accompany the beautiful journey of motherhood, especially in the early postpartum period. Amidst the joys and blessings, it's natural to encounter moments of frustration, overwhelm, and yes, even rage.

You're not alone in feeling this way. Many mothers experience what's commonly termed as "postpartum rage," a phenomenon that often catches us off guard and leaves us questioning our sanity.

But rest assured, it's a valid emotion, and it's okay to acknowledge it.

What is Postpartum Rage?

Postpartum rage, also known as postpartum anger, is an intense and often overwhelming emotional response that some new mothers experience after giving birth.

It is characterized by sudden bursts of anger, irritability, and frustration that can be directed towards loved ones, the baby, or even oneself.

These feelings of rage can be accompanied by guilt and confusion, leaving new mothers feeling isolated and anxious.

Why Does Postpartum Rage Happen?

Understanding the underlying causes of postpartum rage is crucial for effective coping strategies. While the exact triggers may vary from one person to another, there are several common factors that contribute to postpartum rage:

1.   Hormonal Changes:

The dramatic shift in hormones during and after childbirth can lead to mood swings and heightened emotions. These hormonal fluctuations can make it difficult to regulate anger and frustration.

2.   Sleep Deprivation:

Newborns require around-the-clock care, which often results in sleep deprivation for new mothers. Lack of sleep can amplify stress levels and make it harder to manage emotions.

3.   Physical Discomfort:

The physical toll of pregnancy and childbirth, along with the recovery process, can leave women feeling physically uncomfortable and in pain. This discomfort can exacerbate feelings of anger and irritability.

4.   Overwhelming Responsibilities:

The demands of caring for a newborn, coupled with household chores and other responsibilities, can become overwhelming. Many new mothers feel intense pressure to meet unrealistic expectations, which can fuel anger and frustration.

5.   Support System:

A lack of adequate support from partners, family, or friends can contribute to feelings of isolation and resentment, increasing the likelihood of experiencing postpartum rage.

10 Practical Tips to Cope with Postpartum Rage

Now that we've explored what postpartum rage is and why it happens, let's discuss 10 practical tips to help new mothers cope with this challenging emotional experience:

1.   Seek Professional Help:

If you find that postpartum rage is significantly impacting your daily life and relationships, consider reaching out to a mental health professional.

Therapy can provide a safe space to discuss your feelings and develop coping strategies.

Make sure to connect with a counselor who is certified in perinatal mental health (PMH-C) to ensure that they have the expertise and experience with postpartum mental health.

2.   Connect with Other Moms:

Joining a support group or connecting with other new mothers can be incredibly beneficial.

Sharing your experiences and hearing from others who are going through similar challenges can help reduce feelings of isolation.

3.   Prioritize Self-Care:

Don't neglect self-care. Take breaks when you can, even if they're short, to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

This might include reading, taking a bath, or going for a walk.

4.   Communicate with Your Partner:

Open and honest communication with your partner is crucial.

Express your feelings and let them know how they can support you.

Remember that you're a team and sharing responsibilities can alleviate some of the stress.

5.   Establish a Routine:

Creating a structured daily routine can help provide a sense of stability and predictability in your life.

Knowing what to expect can reduce feelings of chaos and frustration.

6.   Practice Mindfulness:

Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and meditation, can be powerful tools for managing anger and irritability.

These practices can help you stay grounded and calm during challenging moments.

7.   Delegate Tasks:

Don't hesitate to ask for help from friends and family.

Whether it's cooking, cleaning, or taking care of the baby for a little while, delegating tasks can give you much-needed relief.

8.   Limit External Stressors:

Identify and minimize external stressors that contribute to your rage.

This might involve limiting exposure to negative news, setting boundaries with demanding family members or simplifying your daily routines.

Learn to say “no” during this season of life. Remember that this is a season of receiving not giving.

9.   Track Your Emotions:

Keeping a journal to track your emotions can be insightful.

Writing down your feelings when they occur can help you identify triggers and patterns, allowing you to develop better coping strategies.

10. Be Kind to Yourself:

Remember that it's normal to experience a wide range of emotions during the postpartum period, including anger.

Be gentle with yourself and avoid self-criticism. Seek support and remember that you're doing your best.


Postpartum rage is a challenging and often misunderstood aspect of new motherhood.

It's essential to recognize that experiencing anger or irritability during this time is not uncommon, and there are practical steps you can take to cope with it.

By seeking support, practicing self-care, and communicating with your partner, you can navigate this emotional journey and focus on bonding with your newborn.

Remember that you are not alone, and with time and support, postpartum rage can become more manageable, allowing you to embrace the joys of motherhood.

With love and solidarity,

Ready to experience peace from anger and irritability? Let’s connect!

As a postpartum therapist, I will help you find solutions and immediate relief. Reach out for a free consultation today!

Related Articles:

Understanding and Coping with Postpartum Anger

What is Postpartum Rage?

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