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15 Postpartum Journal Prompts for New Moms

Becoming a mom brings a whirlwind of emotions, from exhilaration to exhaustion.

Journaling can be an outlet, giving you space to express feelings, reflect on your new role, and keep track of those fleeting baby moments.

Here are 15 postpartum journal prompts to help you capture your journey and support your emotional health during this life-changing time.

Why Keep a Postpartum Journal?

Journaling helps you process emotions and track your mental health in simple, manageable ways.

It's about understanding your experiences and connecting deeper with yourself and your baby.

15 Postpartum Journal Prompts

1. Today, I felt...

What emotions did you go through today? Write them down openly.

2. One thing I love about my baby today is...

Spotlight a trait or action of your baby that warmed your heart.

3. A moment today when I felt proud of myself was...

Celebrate a small or big win from your day.

4. I felt most connected to my baby when...

Think about a moment today that strengthened your bond.

5. The most challenging part of today was...

Acknowledge tough moments and think about what might help.

6. Something I miss about my life before baby is...

It’s okay to miss things from your pre-baby life. Reflect on them.

7. Today, I needed more...

Figure out what more support or time you might need.

8. My body has changed in the following ways, and here’s how I feel about it...

Write about your physical changes and your feelings about them.

9. A fear I have as a new mom is...

Face a specific fear and consider how you can manage it.

10. Something funny or surprising my baby did today was...

Share a quirky or unexpected moment.

11. Right now, my biggest challenge is...

Detail a current struggle and what support you might need.

12. I feel most supported when...

Note what actions or words make you feel backed and loved.

13. If I could speak to my pre-baby self, I would say...

Give advice or reassurance to your former self.

14. The best advice I’ve received so far is...

Reflect on a piece of advice that truly helped.

15. How I’m taking care of myself this week is...

Plan or reflect on your self-care efforts to keep yourself well.

Takeaways: Getting the Most from Your Journaling

Journaling as a new mom isn't just about jotting things down—it’s about figuring out this wild ride called motherhood while keeping your sanity intact.

These prompts are here to help you pause, breathe, and unpack the ups and downs of your day.

Every word you write is a step toward navigating your new life, finding joy in the chaos, and yes, laughing at the messes.

With love and solidarity,

Do you need support as a postpartum mom? Let’s connect!

Reach out for a free consultation today!

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Ayers, S. Crawley, R., Button, S., Thornton, A., Field, A., Flood, C., Lee, S., Eagle, A., Bradley, R., Moore, D., Gyte, G., Smith, H. Evaluation of expressive writing for postpartum health: a randomised controlled trial. J Behav Med. 2018; 41(5): 614–626.