What is Postpartum Stress Syndrome?

Postpartum mother

“I feel like I’m drowning, but everyone keeps telling me how blessed I am.”

These words, whispered through tears in my therapy office, tell the story of so many new moms.

As both a therapist and a mother, I’ve lived this contradiction - the deep love for your baby existing right next to bone-crushing exhaustion and anxiety.

You might be reading this at 3 AM, feeding your baby for the fourth time tonight, wondering why this feels so much harder than anyone warned you about.

Your Instagram feed shows other new moms glowing and beaming with their babies, while you’re trying to remember the last time you showered.

Many of my clients call this overwhelming mix of emotions “postpartum stress syndrome.”

While it’s not an official medical diagnosis, this term puts words to what so many new moms go through - that overwhelming combo of physical exhaustion, emotional overload, and the pressure to “enjoy every moment.”

I see you there, trying to hold it all together.

The way you rock your baby even when your arms ache with exhaustion.

How you check their breathing for the tenth time tonight.

The smile you force when another person tells you to “sleep when the baby sleeps.”

You’re not failing. You’re not broken. And you’re absolutely not alone.

Let me share what I’ve learned from supporting hundreds of moms through this experience, and what you need to know about navigating these overwhelming early days…

What Is Postpartum Stress Syndrome?

Postpartum stress syndrome is a term that moms use to describe the intense stress and anxiety that can show up after having a baby.

It’s a way to put a name to the feelings that often hit hard during the postpartum period.

These feelings might include:

  • Feeling overwhelmed by all the responsibilities of caring for your baby.

  • Struggling to manage the constant demands of feeding, diapering, and soothing.

  • Stress about whether you’re doing everything “right.”

  • Difficulty adjusting to changes in your body, sleep, and routine.

You might also feel like your brain is on overdrive.

That mental load—keeping track of everything from pediatrician appointments to when the baby last ate—can leave you exhausted.

Postpartum mother holding baby

Why Postpartum Stress Syndrome Happens

The postpartum period is intense.

Your hormones are shifting dramatically, your body is healing, and you’re adjusting to life with a new baby.

These changes are enough to leave anyone feeling off balance.

Add to that societal pressure to “bounce back” or be the “perfect mom,” and the stress can pile up fast.

There’s also a lack of support for many moms.

Extended family isn’t always nearby, and finding childcare or even a moment to yourself can feel impossible.

It’s no wonder so many women feel stretched thin.

The Difference Between Postpartum Stress and Postpartum Depression

It’s important to know that postpartum stress syndrome isn’t the same as postpartum depression (PPD).

Postpartum stress is about feeling overwhelmed, whereas postpartum depression involves persistent sadness, hopelessness, or disconnection from your baby.

If you think you might be dealing with PPD, reach out to a healthcare provider.

You deserve support, and help is available.

Mother holding her newborn baby

How to Cope with Postpartum Stress Syndrome

The good news? You don’t have to stay stuck in this stressful place.

Here are some practical ways to ease the pressure and start feeling more like yourself.

1. Give Yourself Permission to Feel

It’s okay to feel stressed. It’s okay to cry.

Motherhood is tough, and you don’t have to have it all together.

Let go of the guilt and remind yourself that every mom struggles in some way.

2. Ask for Help

This one is huge. Whether it’s your partner, a friend, or a family member, let someone know what you need.

Maybe you need someone to hold the baby so you can nap.

Or maybe you need help with groceries or laundry. People want to help—they just might not know how unless you tell them.

New mother kissing baby on cheek

3. Simplify Your To-Do List

You don’t have to do everything. Focus on the essentials.

If the house is messy or dinner is takeout for the third night in a row, that’s okay.

Your well-being is more important than a spotless kitchen.

4. Take Care of Your Body

I know this is easier said than done, but even small steps can make a big difference.

Drink water. Eat something with protein. Take a 10-minute walk outside if you can.

These little actions help your body handle stress better.

5. Connect with Other Moms

Find a group of moms who “get it.”

Whether it’s an in-person group or an online community, having people who understand your struggles can make you feel less alone.

6. Set Boundaries

If visitors or social obligations are overwhelming you, it’s okay to say no.

Protecting your time and energy is crucial right now.

7. Consider Professional Support

Sometimes, talking to a therapist can help you sort through your feelings and find coping strategies.

Therapy isn’t just for when things are really bad—it can be a lifeline even for everyday stress.

Mother feeding baby bottle

My Story as a Mom of Four

I’ve been there. With four kids, I know what it’s like to feel like you’re running on empty.

One moment you’re overwhelmed by love for your baby, and the next, you’re sobbing because you can’t find the wipes.

It’s a rollercoaster, but you’re not alone on this ride.

One thing I’ve learned is that asking for help doesn’t make you weak.

It makes you human. We’re not meant to do this alone. So lean on your people, take things one step at a time, and remember—you’re doing an amazing job, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

When to Seek More Help

If the stress feels like too much to handle or if it’s interfering with your ability to care for yourself or your baby, don’t wait to get help.

Reach out to your doctor or a mental health professional. You deserve to feel supported and understood.

New mother holding her baby

The other day, a mom in my office finally let out a breath she’d been holding for months.

“I thought I was the only one feeling this way,” she said, wiping her eyes.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me it could be this hard?”

Here’s what I want you to know: Motherhood is a mix of magic and mess, of heart-bursting love and hair-raising exhaustion.

Sometimes both in the same five minutes.

While we don’t have an official name for this overwhelming season of new motherhood, you’re not imagining how hard it is.

I’ve sat with hundreds of moms in their darkest moments, and I can tell you this: asking for help isn’t weakness - it’s wisdom.

Whether that means texting a friend, calling your doctor, or booking a therapy session, you deserve support.

Right now, you might be reading this in the dim light of your phone, feeling alone in your struggles.

But I promise you - you’re not.

There are so many of us who understand, who’ve walked this path, who are ready to help light the way.

You’re doing better than you think, mama.

And if you can’t believe that just yet, I’ll believe it for you until you can.

Ready to take the first step toward feeling better? I’m right here with you.

With love and solidarity,

Postpartum therapist
Mom therapist

Ready to experience peace from postpartum stress? Let’s connect!

Reach out for a free consultation today!

Related Articles:

Embracing Motherhood Stress: Worrying Mother Quotes

What is Mom Burnout and How to Cope?

Navigating Mom Burnout: Signs, FAQs, and Coping Strategies


Norberg A. L. (2007). Burnout in mothers and fathers of children surviving brain tumour. J. Clin. Psychol. Med. 14 130–137.


Najmi B., Heidari Z., Feizi A., Hovsepian S., Momeni F., Masood Azhar S. M. (2017). Do psychological characteristics of mothers predict parenting stress? a cross-sectional study among mothers of children with different disabilities. Arch. Psychiatr. Nurs. 32 396–402.


Manuel J. I., Martinson M. L., Bledsoe-Mansori S. E., Bellamy J. L. (2012). The influence of stress and social support on depressive symptoms in mothers with young children. Soc. Sci. Med. 75 2013–2020.



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